Great Controversy Project
The idea for the project was born at a meeting of
the junior staff of the Southern Diocese, where they
considered taking a media direction for the next few
years. The project that seemed the least feasible to
implement was the 'Great Controversy’ project.
For the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the book by Ellen White is a very important material. For many years it has been a material that we have tried to make available to the widest possible audience. In the book, the author covers the history of the
church from the time of the apostles until the return of Jesus and the end of the history of evil. The book can be enjoyed by reading the paper version, or you can listen to the audio book, but we do not have the video material to present the issues raised in the book. Hence the „Great Controversy” project.

What if we combined the strengths of each form? Maybe there is no need to create footage that is only an alternative to the book? Maybe it would be worth trying to create a programm that could not so much duplicate the content of the book, but
expand it, diversify it, enrich it and advertise it? These kinds of questions guided our vision.
Considerations led us to the decision to publish a new version of 'The Great Controversy’ book. Yes, we know – why do we need another one when the previous ones are quite good. This time, however, it’s about something more.
The publication of the book is preceded by the recording of video footage in which we will show the places and tell the stories touched upon in the book 'The Great Controversy’. The content of the book will not be repeated by us but rather enriched by historical elements that the author did not describe. We will talk about how the Council of Constance argued
for the burning of Hus, who Waldhauser was in general, where the Waldenses were hiding, what led up to St Bartholomew’s
Night, what role the Cathar movement played in the development of the Inquisition and many topics that will give viewers
a broader perspective on the issues of The Great Controversy. Each episode will also include an advert for the book, so that viewers can reach this out.
The book itself, on the other hand, will contain qr codes printed into the chapters, which will allow the reader to quickly access additional information to broaden his understanding of the topic. Thus, when he reads about the time of Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany, he will be able to scan a code which will allow him to view material on how the Reformation developed in Poland.
In this way, we hope to create material that advertises itself in two directions. The book will advertise the videos and the videos the book.
The project involves the creation of 22 main episodes and 50 additional video materials
main episodes
additional episodes
years of work

Do you have questions or suggestions? Let us know!
The best is yet to come.
„Surely I come quickly”